This RFC describe the CaliOpen message API requirements to implement current mockups.


NOTE the field names and structure are here to describe pieces of information. Feel free to provide better ones.

NOTE the term Link is used for nested resources. The implementation can embed the information OR provide information to retrieve it later (id, href…).

If the information is not embedded, then there should be an API endpoint to retrieve missing information in batch and prevent too many requests.

Message related resources are Recipient, Thread, Attachment and Message.


A recipient MIGHT be related to an known Contact. It is defined by the following informations:

  • contact_id: Known user contact reference
  • address: Address to use for sending a message to this recipient
  • protocol: Communication protocol for this recipient address


A Thread is a group of Messages with additional pieces of information. Every Thread MUST provide the following information:

  • total_count: the number of messages
  • unread_count: the number of unread messages
  • subject: the thread subject. Empty string if none.
  • contacts: a list of links to contacts involved in the conversation
  • importance_level: the importance level associated to this conversation
  • privacy_index: the privacy index associated to this conversation
  • messages: a list of links to most recent messages. <— This is used for the thread headline and for the detail view initial display.
  • attachments: a list of links to most recent attachments.
  • tags: a list of tags associated to this conversation.


This resource concern attachment included in a Message.

  • message_id: Message reference this attachment is related to
  • content_type: MIME content type for this part
  • data: Part content


A Message can come from several providers (email, twitter, instant chat…). This is a common abstraction, every message MUST provide the following information:

  • status: draft, sending, sent, deleted for outcoming messages. unread, read, deleted for incoming ones.
  • thread: link to the thread the message is included in.
  • sender: link to contact who sent this message.
  • recipients: Recipients involved in this message
  • sent_at: date and time the message was sent
  • received_at: date and time the message was received
  • body: the message body/content/text
  • type: the message type
  • importance_level: the importance level associated to message
  • privacy_index: the privacy index associated to message
  • payload: the original message

Every Message MIGHT have the following information:

  • subject the message subject when it exist
  • parent_message: link to the message this one is a response to


We’ll stick to read for now

  • List threads, paginated.
  • get one thread, messages embedded